Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Now Let Me Introduce Myself

Carmen Skok, Age 21.

Howdy! I'm Carmen and I am a senior finance major from Houston, Texas. Technically I live about two minutes outside the Houston city limits, but for all intents and purposes I'll just say Houston. 

First things first, I am the proud mother of a beautiful pomeranian. Her name is Muñeca (it means babydoll in Spanish) and she is the love of my life. Some of my friends might tell you that I have an obsession with taking pictures of her, but who wouldn't with a face like that? 

Now you might be wondering where I came up with her name. My mother is actually from Nicaragua, so she decided to give her a name in Spanish. This leads me to my next point. 

Although I may be one of the palest people you will ever meet, I am actually half hispanic (my dad's from Ohio, so I blame him for my whiteness). As I said before my mother is from Nicaragua. Her and my dad met there while he was working with the State Department. Many people don't know where Nicaragua is, but I can tell you it is one of the most beautiful places you will ever go (see picture). I have been going to Nicaragua every summer since I was 8 and I will never get tired of the blue waters, the white sands, or the wonderful culture. Did I mention Nicaragua has the only salt lake in the world with sharks? Also a couple of active volcanoes, but I think I've made my point. 

So basically my hobbies include playing with my dog and traveling. That about sums me up. 

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